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168 Auctions Inc.

加拿大     收藏拍卖公司
The company was federally incorporated in Canada. We are located in downtown Toronto, the economic and commercial centre of Canada. We are dedicated to the service of Chinese antiques and collectibles.

Before we were incorporated, we had a long history in the area of Chinese antique collections. During the period, we gradually gain more and more Chinese historical and cultural knowledge, we establish a wider variety of connections with antique collectors and artists, we enhance the cultural quality, and also we improve the material and spiritual world.. We hope we are able to make more friends around the world based on the company platform.

Since we have established a good connections with lots of Chinese collectors coming from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and mainland China in the early years, and the western collectors from Europe and North America, we will keep putting up different Chinese collectibles and work of arts, in the different auctions regularly. We mainly concentrate on jadeite, jade, paintings, and other items. So please visit our website regularly for new auction information. You will definitely find something you like in some day.

Going with 168, being prosperous!


于公司正式成立之前,我们一直在古董收藏领域有着长期的历史。“以藏会友”,“以藏博识”, 我们以收藏逐步地提高了对于中国博大精深的历史文化艺术的认识,以收藏渐渐地积累了一大批高素质的古董收藏家的人脉关系,以收藏潜移默化地改善了自我的文化修养及素质,并以收藏慢慢地提升了自身的物质和精神世界。我们希望以本公司为平台,结交更多的收藏爱好者,共同探索美好的明天。




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地址:424 Dundas St. West